Includes: Transfer to Tierra Mayor valley / Ride on Husky sled / Fire pit dinner / Snow walk with snow rackets / Land Rover with Caterpillar tracks or snowmobile depending on which you choose / Return to Ushuaia

Difficulty: low

Description: Set-off is from your hotel heading towards the Tierra Mayor valley. Here the guide will indicate the order of activities and the crossing will begin: going over the valley in the middle of the winters night. A torch lit path will indicate our entrance into the woods and we’ll continue to the wooden hut where our chef awaits us with fire raging and succulent skewers and stews, mulled wine and the night’s speciality “The Woodsman’s Coffee”. Dinner will be complimented with a classic “guitarreada”, a fireside round of guitars and singing.

The return will depend on the option that has been chosen:
1-snow rackets + husky sleds
2-snow mobile + husky sleds
3-4×4 with caterpillar + husky sleds

Note: the 4×4 with caterpillar tracks option depends on snow conditions, which in the case of insufficient snow will be replaced by snowmobiles.

5 hours

Snow and Fire

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